

На Advocacy Assembly вы сможете учиться у правозащитников, юристов, журналистов-расследователей, дизайнеров, специалистов по обработке данных, организаторами кампаний и многих других. Благодаря ценному практическому опыту наших преподавателей вы получите актуальные и практические навыки, которые помогут выстроить и продвинуть вашу карьеру. Наши курсы преподают ведущие эксперты в области прав человека, проведения кампаний и журналистики. Узнайте больше о них, прочитав биографии ниже.

  • Ивонн Нг

    Ивонн Нг - аудиовизуальный архивист и руководитель архивной программы в WITNESS. Работая на стыке технологий и прав человека, Ивонн содействует и обучает рядовых активистов сбору, управлению и сохранению видеосвидетельств для защиты и доказательств. Ивонн имеет степень магистра по Архивированию и сохранению подвижной картинки, полученную в Нью-Йоркском университете.

    • Five top tips to improve your video skills
    • Capturing, Storing & Sharing Video Evidence
  • Кида, кибер-удодка

    Кида, кибер-удодка / Специалистка по цифровой безопасности и экспертка по преодолению стресса

    Кибер-удодка Кида — ваш проводник и компаньон в путешествии по цифровой безопасности. В этих уроках она поделится опытом и знаниями журналистов и инструкторов Радио Свободная Европа/Радио Свобода. Кида верит, что тема цифровой защиты это весело, реально и интересно. А также, что ключ к онлайн-безопасности - это отсутствие стресса.

    • Киберзащита для журналистов, активистов и их аудитории
  • Rose Parris Richter

    Rose is the Executive Director of the Human Rights in Iran Unit at City University of New York. She has documented human rights violations in support of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran since 2011. She also used to be a pro surfer.

    • Documenting and reporting human rights abuses using testimony
  • Mani Mostofi

    Mani Mostofi is the Director of Impact Iran, a coalition of Iranian human rights organisations. He’s an international human rights lawyer who reported on the human rights situation in Iran, Bahrain, and other places for many years. He was also the lead singer of a straight edge punk band.

  • Raja Althaibani

    Raja is human rights defender and citizen journalist with strong experience in Yemen and across the MENA region.

  • Bozorgmehr Sharafedin

    Bozorgmehr is an Iranian journalist and filmmaker. He started his career in his home city of Tehran, where he worked for Persian media for almost 10 years. He joined the BBC World Service as a senior broadcast journalist in 2008 and until recently worked as a newsroom editor for BBC Persian TV. Bozorgmehr is now Iran Correspondent for Reuters.

    • Media match-making for freelance Iranian journalists
  • Amr Eleraqi

    Amr Eleraqi is an Egyptian journalist with more than 10 years of data journalism experience. In 2012 he founded InfoTimes, the first infographic website in the Middle East. Since then he has trained more than 500 journalists in data journalism and data visualisation in cooperation with organisations such as Internews and BBC Media Action.

    • Visualise your data with the best charts and graphs
  • Tracy Frauzel

    Tracy is Mobilisation Strategy Director at Greenpeace’s Mobilisation Lab. She has managed digital campaigns that have brought companies such as Nestle, HSBC and McDonald's agree on concessions for environmental protection.

  • Mohamad Najem

    Mohamad Najem co-founded and co-directs Social Media Exchange (SMEX). He focuses on integrating digital rights into Internet policy and governance through research, writing, and online campaigns. He has delivered dozens of digital media and advocacy workshops in Lebanon and throughout the Arab region.

    • Social media production on a shoestring (Part 2)
  • Cheryl W. Thompson

    Cheryl W. Thompson is an investigative correspondent for NPR. Prior to joining NPR in January 2019, she spent 22 years at The Washington Post, where she wrote extensively about law enforcement, political corruption and guns. She teaches investigative reporting as an associate professor at George Washington University and serves as board president of Investigative Reporters and Editors.

    • Privacy International

      Privacy International is committed to fighting for the right to privacy across the world. We litigate to ensure that surveillance is consistent with the rule of law. And advocate for strong national, regional, and international laws that protect privacy, conducting research to catalyse policy change.

      • Right to Privacy: Data and Surveillance
      • Right to Privacy: Introduction and Principles
    • Stefanie Posavec

      Stefanie works as a graphic designer with a focus on data-related design, with work ranging from data visualisation and information design to commissioned data art for a variety of clients such as Facebook, Penguin, Information is Beautiful, BBC and WIRED UK. Her work has been commissioned and exhibited internationally at major galleries.

    • Jan Moolman

      This course is presented by Jan Moolman, a feminist activist who works between women’s rights, technology and human rights for almost a decade, with a specific focus on gender-based violence.she is the Global Women’s Rights Policy Lead at the Association for Progressive Communications.

    • Sam Dubberley

      Sam Dubberley is the head of the Crisis Evidence Lab and manager of the Digital Verification Corps in the Crisis Response Programme at Amnesty International. He is the co-editor of the book ‘Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Investigation, Documentation, and Accountability’ and is a fellow of the University of Essex Human Rights Centre.

    • Toby Mendel

      Toby Mendel is the founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), based in Halifax, Canada. CLD works to promote, protect and develop those human rights which serve as the foundation for or underpin democracy, including the rights to freedom of expression, to vote and participate in governance, to access information and to freedom of assembly and association.

      • The right to information for human rights advocacy
      • Using Strategic Litigation to Combat Internet Shutdowns
    • Felicia Anthonio

      #KeepItOn Campaign Manager, Access Now

      Felicia Anthonio works with Access Now as #KeepItOn Campaign Manager – leading a global campaign that unites over 280 organizations around the world working to fight against internet shutdowns. Before joining Access Now, she was a Programme Associate at the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) where she coordinated the African Freedom of Expression Exchange.

    • Laura Schwartz-Henderson

      Advocacy & Research Advisor

      Laura Schwartz-Henderson is the founder of Curious Shapes, a consultancy that focuses on using research and creative campaigns to fight for digital rights. In this work, she collaborates with activists, lawyers, journalists, designers, artists, and technologists from around the world to design actionable research projects and build strategic advocacy campaigns.

    • Ali Ranjipour

      • Maria Xynou

        Maria Xynou has worked with the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) since 2016, where she manages community engagement and research on internet censorship around the world. Previously, she worked with Tactical Tech where she created privacy and digital security resources, investigated the data industry, and facilitated digital security workshops for human rights defenders.

      • Andrés Azpúrua

        Executive Director at VE Inteligente. Activist and researcher, working in the fields of digital security, civic tech and human rights online. Andrés and his team defend the rights of Venezuelans online and help protect activists, independent media and CSOs.

      • Gayatri Khandhadai

        This course is presented by Gayatri Khandadhai, a lawyer with a background in international law and human rights. Her focus is digital rights in Asia with specific emphasis on freedom of religion, expression, assembly, and association on the Internet. She is the Asia Policy Regional Coordinator at APC - the Association for Progressive Communications.

      • Valentina Aguana

        Valentina Aguana is a Venezuelan digital rights activist, computer engineering student and a member of the NGO VE Sin Filtro since 2019. She monitors internet censorship events and analyses cyber attacks that target dissidents from the Venezuelan government. Valentina also gives training to journalists and activists regarding privacy and security issues.

      • Cathrine Anite

        Catherine Anite is a Human Rights lawyer and freedom of expression expert. She is the Director of Global Programmes at Small Media Foundation, leading UPR engagements and championing digital rights in over thirty countries in Africa, MENA region and Central Asia under the UPROAR project. She is also the Founding Director of the Freedom of Expression Hub, an organisation working to promote and defend the right to freedom of expression in Uganda.

        • Diplomacy and the UPR for Human Rights Advocates
      • Friedhelm Weinberg

        Friedhelm Weinberg is the Executive Director of HURIDOCS, an organisation that helps human rights defenders utilise information and technology to shine a light on abuses and advance justice for both victims and perpetrators of human rights violations. Friedhelm previously served as HURIDOCS’ Deputy Director, overseeing and managing projects in Africa, the Middle East, the Former Soviet Union Region and Asia.

      • Zach Lampell

        Senior Legal Advisor and Coordinator for Digital Programs

        Zach Lampell is a lawyer and freedom of expression expert at ICNL, leading programs on new technologies and civic space. He provides legal assistance to civil society organizations and studies AI's impact on civic freedoms. Previously, he was a professor at the Royal University of Law and Economics, where he founded the Center for Humanitarian Law. He holds a J.D. from Case Western Reserve University and received the Distinguished Scholar Award.

        • Tara Kelly

          Tara has experience in print, online and broadcast journalism in London, New York and Paris. She has written for the FT Weekend, The Huffington Post and TIME Magazine. Most recently, she was a digital producer for CNN International in London. Tara now works as a digital consultant and journalist.

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