Organización Asociada

Curious Shapes

Curious Shapes empowers others through meaningful work, creativity, and collaboration. They address challenges tied to diverse backgrounds, education, language, and power dynamics, focusing on active listening, hands-on learning, and clear communication. By creating spaces for experts to collaborate on advocacy and innovative programs, they bridge grassroots efforts with broader policy changes. With a decade of experience in human rights and internet freedom, Curious Shapes builds trust and fosters relationships, challenging global power structures through a more inclusive exchange of ideas.


  • 60 minutos

    Shutdown Academy

    Cómo desarrollar un plan de acción estratégico contra los cortes de Internet

    Curious Shapes

    60 minutos

    Curious Shapes

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Buscamos organizaciones innovadoras que dispongan de material de formación novedoso que pueda adaptarse a la plataforma Advocacy Assembly.


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