Digital Security

30 mins

Cyber harassment: Concepts and prevention

The Institute for War and Peace Reporting
This course will discuss cyber harassment and how to campaign online in a safe manner.
About this course:
Cyber harassment is becoming a bigger issue for female activists and human right defenders. We will cover what cyber harassment is, discuss myths and misconceptions and provide you with tools to run safer online campaigns. You will also learn from real life case studies.
What do I learn:
You will also learn some general digital security concepts, about metadata, and how to do safe online campaigning.
What do I need to know:
This course is suitable for journalists and activists who wish to protect themselves from cyber harassment. We recommend you complete our ‘Understanding Big Data and Social Network’ course before starting this course.


Jennifer Kanaan

This course is presented by Jennifer Kanaan, a digital marketing and social media expert working on digital security in the Middle East for the Cyber Arabs project. Cyber Arabs is a project for digital security in the Arab world under IWPR (Institute for War & Peace Reporting).

1.1 Introduction to course
1.2 Defining the scope of cyber harassment
1.3 Different types of cyber harassment
1.4 Effects of Cyber Harassment
2.1 General Digital Security Concepts
2.2 Your Safety
2.3 Digital security, gender and technology myths
2.4 Women in Tech
3.1 Safe online campaigning
3.2 Safe Online Campaign Quiz
4.1 Introduction to metadata
4.2 The metadata of an online activist
5.1 Conclusion

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