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Building Capacity for Monitoring & Documenting Human Rights Violations
The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the efficacy of strategies used by HRPs/HRMOs for communicating during blackouts. The goal of this project envisages to see a ZimbabweanCivilSociety that is prepared to document and monitor human rights violations without hiccups during internet shutdowns.
Advocacy Assembly Internet Shutdown Academy: Creative Strategies to Fight Back
Internet shutdowns are occurring increasingly globally, posing significant threats to freedom of expression, access to information & economic growth. These shutdowns manifest in various forms through different technical measures & are implemented by governments in various circumstances. Responding to this threat of internet shutdowns, Advocacy Assembly designed the Internet Shutdown Academy, a set of 10 full online courses in 7 languages!
Evaluating the Efficacy of State-Imposed Telecom Shutdowns in Northwest Nigeria
This article casts doubt on the shutdowns' effectiveness in curbing banditry, exposing alternative explanations for any temporary decrease in attacks. It questions the legitimacy of justifying these shutdowns as effective counter-terrorism measures, advocating for alternative approaches that prioritize community engagement, human rights, and development initiatives to address the root causes of insecurity and foster lasting peace in Northwestern Nigeria and Nigeria at large.
Impact of the Twitter Ban in Nigeria
This post is a research study on the impact of the Twitter ban in Nigeria on Human Rights Monitoring, Advocacy and Creativity. Read more.
Four Free Toolkits to Fight Internet Shutdowns
Let’s tell you a little bit more about each toolkit!
The Impact of Internet Disruptions on Farmers in Nigeria
In Nigeria’s Northwestern Sokoto State, farm workers grapple with geopolitical challenges, shifting climate realities, and economic turbulence. However, they now face a new, growing threat: a troubling rise in internet disruptions, which threatens their ability to work in an increasingly digitally connected world. Read more.