CUNY's Human Rights in Iran Unit (HRIU) was established in 2012 by the Political Science Department at Brooklyn College. The HRIU provides research and technical support to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. We also undertake a number of other activities including training and coordination of nongovernmental organizations and human rights defenders to monitor human rights developments in the country.
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Advocacy Assembly платформаси учун мослаштирилиши мумкин бўлган ноёб ўқув материалларига эга бўлган инновацион ташкилотларни қидирмоқдамиз.
Биз билан боғланишЭнг сўнгги курсларни келиш қутисига олинг.
Хабар бюллетенимизга бугун обуна бўлинг.