If you are new to open source investigation, setting up an organised workstation is critical. Below is some advice from Amnesty International’s Mitch Paquette guiding you through the process.
1. Pick a web browser - Google Chrome is suggested for using open source investigation. It provides the largest range of browser extensions and plugins to help you with your work. It is important to set up a separate account for open source investigations for digital security reasons and to keep your personal and professional accounts separate.
2. Download plugins
3. Organise your bookmarks - Keep your tools organised with bookmarks, so you can access them easily during your investigation. This will save you time and frustration and help you stay organised.
4. Software to download:
Interested to learn more? Sign up for Amnesty International’s free 2-part course on Advocacy Assembly.
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6 useful resources for journalists covering Covid-19
With a global pandemic spreading throughout the world, journalists are under increasing pressure to report accurate and relevant news for the masses. Often when covering a crisis, those on the reporting frontlines compromise their physical safety and mental health. To show some solidarity, the Advocacy Assembly team curated a list of useful resources from other organisations leading the way on this.
5 ways to find data for your next story
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