The Advocacy Assembly Internet Shutdown Academy (AASA) is now offering certificates to online learners who successfully complete all ten courses in our shutdown academy program!
Starting now, any dedicated learner who completes the full ten courses of the Shutdown Academy can request a personalised AASA certificate, officially acknowledging their comprehensive knowledge on the subject of internet shutdowns. This certificate not only recognises your commitment to advancing your understanding of internet disruptions but also signifies your readiness to champion digital rights.
The AASA program, designed to empower activists, journalists, and individuals affected by internet shutdowns and censorship, features courses in seven languages, taught by experts from leading organisations. Our mission is to provide a deep understanding of the challenges posed by internet shutdowns and equip learners with the tools to navigate and counteract these disruptions.
From the technical aspects of internet shutdowns to the legal frameworks and advocacy plans to encounter them, the Shutdown Academy covers a diverse range of topics. By earning the AASA certificate, you showcase a mastery of these crucial subjects and join a community of informed advocates to defend digital rights.
To receive your Shutdown Academy certificate acknowledging your expertise in countering internet shutdowns, follow these simple steps:
1- Complete All Ten AASA Courses:
Ensure that you've successfully finished all ten courses in the AASA program, demonstrating your comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by internet shutdowns.
2- Submit your request:
Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line: "AASA Certificate Request".
In your email, provide the following details:
Full Name, username or email address used to pass the courses.
3- Provide us the name and the last name you wish to see on your certificate
Once your information is verified, you'll receive your personalised AASA certificate, a testament to your commitment to learning how to combat internet shutdowns.
Enrol now, complete the Shutdown Academy program, and claim your certificate!
One more thing: If you feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to celebrate your achievement and share your AASA certificate online! Don’t forget to tag us on social media!
90 mins
90 mins
50 mins
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